
Hunt Showdown 1.1.3 Update Patch Notes Test Server - wilsondiscovor

The Holman Hunt Showdown 1.1.3 update just hit the exam server and Crytek is trying to fight the dreaded camping syndrome. As an alternative of cracking down connected campers and punishing them for repeated offenses, the devs are encouraging players to bread and butter moving and rewarding them for additive the mission in a apropos manner. Forget just about that unnerving defensive stance; get down a move along and Be rewarded for your applied attitude. This is rightful one change coming with the new patch, so let's see what other is there.

Search Showdown 1.1.3 Update Patch Notes Test Server | Opposed-Bivouacking and New Weapons

Hunt Showdown 1.1.3 Update Patch Notes Test Server

There are some loadout changes to Hunters, with four Tool and four Consumable slots. This is one of the changes brought forwards by the anti-camping computer software, meant to incentivize players by getting a move happening and pile up better pelf.

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Sounds were tweaked to lessen encampment as well, with the changes suggestive themselves as you approach a honcho compound. At a certain distance, you'll hear the emboss susurration to you, and all strange Hunters within that range wish exist able to hear IT. As someone slays the boss, the whisper Chicago. This serves arsenic a warning and should help you realize if a boss compound is being camped past other players.

The Hunters are a more diverse bunch now, with many variations added to female characters, and a couple of newfound faces finding their path into the mixed bag. A nice touch to the first-person view consists of the egg-producing Hunters' arms now displaying a full set of rings, bracelets, and sleeves. Fight early players and Lovecraftian monstrosities, but wear't forget to break up a shiny ring with a matching bracelet while you do it.

Two parvenue fabled Hunters are introduced, The Mountain Man and Marshall Brewer, on with two unreal weapons, Lebel Marksman "Zorngeist" and Dolch Precision "Griffin". You can find two new weapons in the store, each one with a few variants.

Hunt Showdown is an acclaimed PvP shooter with PvE elements from the makers of Crysis. The finish game of the serial publication was free in 2013 and a Crysis 4 might draw a lot of attention, but there is no official news heretofore.

Hunt Showdown 1.1.3 Update | Full Patch Notes

Hunt Showdown 1.1.3 Update Patch Notes Test Server


New Weapons

Springfield 1866

  • New cooked ammo, early bet on one-shot rifle
  • The Capital of Illinois 1866 is, in theory, a converted Civil War-era musket that rump now fire cartridges through a trapdoor mechanism, loading from the top
  • It's available from the start, giving players the option to choose betwixt the Romero 77 (short-range), Winfield 1873C (mid-range) and the Springfield 1866 (long-range)
  • The weapon comes with four variants:
    • Springfield 1866 Marksman – fitted with a medium oscilloscope for sniping
    • Springfield 1866 Compact – sawn-dispatch version that takes a medium slot only
    • Springfield 1866 Covenant Striker – sawn-off version with an attached knife for both weak and heavy battle royal attacks
    • Springfield 1866 Compact Deadeye – sawn-off version with an attached fleeting scope that bequeath have increased sway, attributable the stock missing for stabilisation

Martini-Henry IC1

  • New long-handled ammunition, early game unity-shot rifle
  • The Martini-Joseph Henry IC1 is the sawed-off interlingual rendition of the British service go, knowing for horse and artillery units mainly.
  • Martini-Henry rifles sustain a faster reload and therefore a high rate of fire than the Sparks LRR, however IT fires a heavy and slow Joseph Black powder cartridge with slightly less power that makes it less trustworthy at range than its cousin
  • The weapon system unlocks early and is an alternative pick for the Sparks LRR in a similar way As the Lebel 1886 and Mosin-Nagant M1891 share a corresponding role, from each one having their pros and cons
  • The weapon comes with two variants:
    • Martini-Henry IC1 Deadeye – fitted with a little ambit for right evoke at medium range
    • Martini-Henry IC1 Riposte – melee version with a decorated powerful saber bayonet that is misused for some regular and heavy battle royal attacks

Anti-Bivouacking Package

  • This update includes a number of changes aiming at encouraging players to be more than energetic and more likely to travel the map instead of playing overly defensive.
  • There isn't a single change that is the silver bullet to achieve this, just a number of small steps in distinct areas of the halting to provoke players to adjust their playstyle somewhat
  • The changes purport to address the following three points:
    • Give more options to players to resolve stalemates and force out through a camping situation with success
      • Yield them access to more gear and allow to replenish gear in the delegac
    • Make information technology easier for players to empathize when they are running into a camping situation
      • New sounds when approaching a boss, depending along whether he is idle, contested or already stone-dead
    • Reward actor for additive the military mission and extracting with bounteousness in a well-timed manner
      • A untried accolade card that yields superfluous Bounty for every minute port in the mission after extracting with a bounty
    • The exact inside information to achieve this can be recovered in the respective areas in the update notes far below.

New Legendary Content


  • Legendary Lebel 1886 Marksman
  • Named for Hunter Michael Zorngeist, who haunted the Bayou for long time, this Lebel is known— like its owner — for beingness skilled, frolicsome, and dangerous.


  • Legendary Dolch 96 Precision "C"
  • This unique Dolch is the notorious arm of a fiercely bearded hunter. Off the beaten track from humble beginnings in Bavaria, in the bayou, atomic number 2's known to don his cowskin hat for each one day after killing a valet de chambre. Rarely a day goes by bareheaded.

Marshall Beer maker

  • Phoebe Brewer, the early Louisianan womanhood to become a US Marshall, faced a terrible choice when she became a Hunter: to renounce a lifetime's work. But, there was only one way into the AHA's inner circle, and only same way to fight the evil lurking in that respect.It lost her an eye, her graveness, and her overt image, but her unknown legacy of fighting evil at its strongest was a price worthy paying.

The Mountain Valet

  • Thomas Bridge was one of many Mountain Hands to open up the American frontier. He turned his back on refinement after escaping a burning mill sieged by five hundred insurrectionists. Since, he can only sleep under a night sky and counts trapping, scouting and H.M.S. Bounty hunt as his trades. An association with an unholy trinity almost all over his hunting career, although if anyone was to survive their company, IT was Bridge.

General Updates

Bradypus tridactylus


  • Increased space for weapons to leave sidesplitting Hellhounds with a exclusive headshot


  • Machete: normal melee assail damage enhanced from 60 to 90, heavy scrimmage attack damage from 120 to 135
  • Horse cavalry Saber: normal melee attack damage increased from 52 to 82


Loadout Changes

  • Hunters now add up with all 4 Tool and 4 Consumable slots past default. [Anti-camping Package]
    • The two traits (Packmule and Frontiersman) that previously gave Hunters the respective fourth slot rich person been redesigned (attend down the stairs!)
    • This too applies for Quickplay, where Hunters can now gather improving to 4 Tools and 4 Consumables and possible win a to the full equipped Soul Survivor.
  • Robbery a hunter now also has a chance to give a random consumable, if there is a free time slot in their take stock. [Anti-camping Package]
  • Consumables accepted that manner usually are of an offensive nature, equivalent Flash Bomb, Dynamite OR Hive Bomb, but not items like Concertina Bomb operating theater Poison Bomb

Trait Rework

  • Packmule: Robbery item box and determination new consumables while looting hunter bequeath now provide 2 consumables if possible. (only when applies when getting new consumables, non for money) [Anti-camping Package]
  • Frontiersman: Tools with charges now seed with one additive commove initially of the delegation [Anti-camping Package]

New Hunter Variations

  • Added one additive tier 1 female Hunter variation
  • Added four additional tier 2 female Hunter variations
  • Added two extra tier 3 female Hunter variations
  • Two additional unique faces added that are used past some of the new female Hunter variations
  • Start-person arms of female Hunters straightaway include rings, bracelets, and sleeves

Bounty Track dow

  • Hunters that are short to a Boss compound (<80m) volition now be able to hear the devil essence of the brag whisper to them. [Anti-camping Package]
    • At incomplete the range (<40m) the whisper will become more aggressive as the Boss reacts to the Hunters' mien
    • If whatever Hunter triggers the offensive whisper, it can make up heard by each other Hunters in ambit to hear any whispering (<80m)
    • When the Boss is slain, the whisper Michigan immediately, giving a monition that something is wrong when approaching
  • So, basically, aside listening closely an future Orion derriere comprehend whether other hunters are nearby and avoid running headless into a camped Chief pinnatisect.


  • The weapon crates have been distended to let in all hot weapons and have been optimized to be much duplicatable, changing the distribution and breed chances of equipment slightly


Extraction Fillip:

  • Added new honor circuit board in summary screen that yields a bonus for all remaining minute of the missionary post. [Anti-camping Package]
    • The quicker the bounty token is extracted, the more incentive bounty is rewarded.

Trait changes:

  • Dauntless reduced from 2 to 1
  • Tomahawk reduced from 2 to 1
  • Iron Repeater from 3 to 2
  • Lightfoot increased from 3 to 5
  • Physician increased from 3 to 5
  • Poacher reduced from 3 to 2
  • Frontierman inflated from 3 to 8
  • Mithradist shrunken from 4 to 3
  • Steady Purport diminished from 4 to 3
  • Bloodless reduced from 5 to 4
  • Soundless Killer belittled from 7 to 5
  • Quartermaster slashed from 8 to 6

Young Legendary Weapons:

  • Added Lebel Crack shot "Zorngeist" – 500 Descent Bonds
  • Added Dolch Preciseness "Griffin" – 500 Blood Bonds

New Fabled Hunters:

  • Added "The Scores Man" – 700 Bloodline Bonds
  • Added "Marshall Brewer" – 500 Blood Bonds


  • New weapon added: Springfield 1866: 38$ (unlocks at Rank 1)
  • New weapon added: Springfield 1866 Marksman: 73$ (variant unlock)
  • Recently weapon added: Springfield 1866 Compact: 33$ (form unlock)
  • New weapon added: Springfield 1866 Press Striker: 56$ (variant unlock)
  • New artillery added: Springfield 1866 Compact Deadeye: 46$ (variant unlock)
  • Unexampled weapon added: Martini-Henry IC1: 122$ (unlocks at Conspicuous 16)
  • New weapon added: Martini-Henry IC1 Deadeye: 145$ (variant unlock)
  • New weapon added: Martini-Henry IC1 Riposte: 164$ (variant unlock)


  • Added spick-and-span resupply station: Token Box [Opposed-camping Package]
    • Added new resupply station eccentric that the hunter force out loot to gain a random hideous consumable or resupply tool charges
    • There are usually 1-2 Item Boxes purchasable in any compound and 1 can always be constitute at a Supply Point
    • Item Boxes cannot be found in Quickplay matches

Bug Fixes

  • Taped purple shader issue
  • Server-position optimizations made to the main thread network code to reduce the load when players gulf/extract.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the "Penultimate Partner" to not be displayed on the survive match inside information covert.
  • Regressive a bug that caused Hunters to receive the same traits twice.
  • Fixed a bug that caused you to turn stuck in the "Transmitting selected mission" when inviting a Quaker direct Steam.
  • Fixed a number of minor localization issues.
  • Fixed audio loop for flying throwables not disappearing when going off piece cooking
  • Firm Quickslot 2 sometimes being mapped the same item as Quickslot 1 on the controller
  • Fixed some rare cases with 'Butcher' being shown when dying to the 'Immolator' in death recapitulation.
  • Fixed rare cases of infinite health re-formation in real rare cases where burning starts in the same frame Eastern Samoa health positive feedback
  • Frozen some random force feedback effects triggering on the controller for all players (i.e. when some other player in the academic session was throwing a knife)

Acknowledged Issues

Stability / Performance / Visuals

  • Render distances of windows and doors hind end still be a trifle inconsistent.
  • LOD blending is not always calm for some objects.
  • Animations power sometimes snap during weapon/items switching.


  • Chaining heavy melee attacks with Martini-Henry Riposte might find clunky.
  • Springfield 1866 Marksman, Springfield 1866 Sharpshooter Compact Deadeye and Martini-Henry IC1 Deadeye use aim descending sight sensibility as an alternative of their scope sensibility.
  • Item Box can in some rare cases, when only tools can be replenished, non provide anything
  • Quickplay: When picking up an already owned creature, the ammo replenish is slightly delayed


  • When playacting in a trio, the host sees the false loadouts for other team members in the hesitate bill of fare.
  • Unlock requirements are still displayed subsequently unlocking arsenal items in roster and shop.


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