
How To Put Hot Tub On Deck

Are you looking to put an inflatable hot tub on your deck? Are y'all worried nigh a possible disaster that a deck and inflatable hot tub could come up crashing down?

This serious concern should exist discussed in this article to meet if you can actually put an inflatable hot tub on your deck.

Tin can I Put An Inflatable Hot Tub On My Deck? You volition need to determine if your deck can back up 100 pounds of weight per foursquare human foot to back up the weight of an inflatable hot tub. Reinforcing the deck might be needed to prevent instability and structural damage to the frame of your deck.

Allow's get into this topic, but recollect that we tin't recommend putting a hot tub on a deck we've never seen. At that place are other options and details we should consider to make your hot tub dreams come truthful.

An inflatable hot tub is easier on the wallet, simply non necessarily for your deck. Portable or in-ground hot tubs are definitely heavier, but your deck has to be structurally capable of supporting a cheaper, inflatable choice.

How Low Does My Deck Need To Be Off The Footing?

Continue in mind that an inflatable hot tub tin can still weigh up to 3,800 pounds or more when filled with h2o and two-iii people. A deck needs to be low to the footing to support all that weight.

A recommended amount of distance from the footing is well-nigh 2 anxiety and non much more. If your deck is 2 feet higher up the ground, it should be able to support 100 pounds of weight per square human foot. At this signal, the option of putting an inflatable hot tub is looking good.

A deck higher than ii feet off the footing is going to need reinforcement. Consult with a professional to make sure that you tin go ahead with this idea that we want to fully support, merely tin can't without that second stance and careful measurement.

Should I Reinforce My Deck For An Inflatable Hot Tub?

Information technology would assistance to make sure that your deck is strong enough and if information technology's higher than two feet off the ground. An inflatable hot tub is at to the lowest degree i,500 pounds lighter than a modest portable or permanent hot tub. Reinforcing the deck would be smart for futurity aspirations of leveling upwards your hot tub game.

Stay safety and reinforce a taller deck today to support your plans of calculation more flare and fun to your deck full of people, possibly a grill, article of furniture and a hot tub. One time you lot decide upgrade to from inflatable to portable (many people do), then your deck will be fix up already to handle it.

What Are The Pros And Cons Of Inflatable Hot Tubs?


  • Cheaper
  • Easily movable
  • Less energy to operate
  • Less maintenance


  • Not every bit durable
  • Shorter lifespan
  • Fits fewer people
  • Can puncture or deflate

Why Choose An Inflatable Hot Tub?

The toll savings solitary make it highly-seasoned. Not needing much work to gear up one up is also inviting. A well-made inflatable hot tub could last about 5-10 years with some care. It weights much less than a permanent hot tub and allows for you to alter the location from time to time.

If you are adamant about putting the inflatable hot tub in that perfect corner of your deck, it just might be possible when the heavier and more expensive options volition non be. Go along in mind that permanent hot tubs increase your belongings value and last much longer.

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How Much Weight Is An Inflatable Hot Tub Going To Put On My Deck?

We are assuming that you've taken it out of its packaging and already inflated it. You may notice how lite it is and this builds your exclamation that information technology will be no problem on your deck. Here comes the water and the people!

Nigh 300 gallons of water will weigh effectually 2,500 pounds added to the negligible weight of an empty inflatable hot tub. These beauties are congenital to hold four-6 people easily, just how much exercise these people counterbalance?

Let'south become with an boilerplate of 170 pounds and we finish upwards with 6 people weighing a full of ane,020 pounds. You've got an estimate of 3,520 pounds on your deck without any other form of furniture, grill or entertainment.

You would demand to divide this weight past the square footage of your deck to see how much pressure you are putting on the deck itself. If you've exceeded 100 pounds of pressure per square foot, this is a problem. If you're nether 100 pounds of pressure per foursquare foot, you lot demand to double check with the structural integrity of the deck and you're all set to do this.

Inflatable Hot Tub Estimates With Max Limit of People & Water

  • Small: three,000 lbs.
  • Medium: 3,700 lbs.
  • Big: 5,500 lbs.

What Can Happen To The Wood On My Deck With A Hot Tub?

The wood itself could be damaged or harmed with the weight and the hot tub water. The forest needs to be pressure-treated,  stained and sealed. If yous skip these steps, you will encounter some damage to the look and possibly the integrity of the wood.

It's strongly recommended to not drain all the water out of the hot tub directly onto the deck. Avoid long-term harm by non pouring out hot water on the deck in big quantities. A few splashes here and there will be fine.

What Are Some Precautions When Putting An Inflatable Hot Tub On A Deck?

Look out for the following bug that may occur when you identify an inflatable hot tub on a deck.

  • Trapped wet
  • Release of chemicals
  • Added weight
  • Wood Rot


It's hard to notice what is happening under your inflatable hot tub if you fail checking it. Information technology'south a difficult expanse to keep dry out, but backlog moisture is going to go trapped. This may lead to the moisture seeping into the wood of your deck over time and crusade it to decay.


Chlorine and mixed solutions that nosotros apply to the water helps us and the tub itself to remain bacteria and germ complimentary. Common salt is added to most hot tubs and it tin can crystalize every bit well with the chemicals in the tub. If they continuously spill out, your deck could exist stained or the crystals could enter into the forest also, breaking down its proteins.


Nosotros continue to become back to the elephant in the room. Do not put elephants or the weight of an elephant into your inflatable hot tub! The issue of your deck property the h2o and people inside the lighter and cheaper hot tub versions that are inflatable comes into question every fourth dimension. Reinforcing the deck is the solution if your deck is higher than ii feet off the basis.

Wood Rot

Information technology's best to be as preventative equally possible with staining and sealing the wood on your deck. Force per unit area-treat the wood and keep information technology every bit dry as possible to forestall wood rot. Protecting your deck and roofing your hot tub will keep wood rot under control.

How Do I Reinforce My Deck For A Hot Tub?

The suggestions below are here to aid and support you with your determination to put an inflatable hot tub your deck that is higher than 2 feet off the ground.

  • Call a contractor or deck architect.
  • Get a quote.
  • Exercise-It-Yourself.
  • Add support posts under the spot where y'all wish to put your hot tub.
  • Place the posts at least 25-35 inches apart.
  • The posts should be placed in concrete 1-3 feet nether the ground.
  • Utilize concrete blocks instead to pouring concrete to save coin.

Oft Asked Questions:

Where Else Tin can I Put An Inflatable Hot Tub?

If yous purchase an inflatable hot tub for your deck, you can accept the selection of moving it effectually. If you lot need more space on the deck or you take upward to 6 people that want to sit in the hot tub, consider putting the inflatable hot tub on the grass. You can too cull a concrete pad or the patio foundation. The terminal suggestion would exist on gravel or rock, just be careful not to puncture the tub.

How Much Weight Do Most Decks Concord?

The weight on a deck is ordinarily distributed and must be calculated per square pes. An average number for a well-made deck is about l pounds per square foot. This is not enough support for a medium to large size inflatable hot tub that sits on a deck higher than 2 anxiety off the ground.

Do Inflatable Hot Tubs Use A Lot Of Electricity?

Inflatable hot tubs tend to utilise 1.5kWh of power when running the heater to go along the water temperature warm or comfortably hot. In the US, the cost of electricity is about xiii cents per kWh on average. Heating the tub will cost about twenty cents an hr under this guess.

We wish you the best of luck and the warmest of soaks in your new hot tub. Delight take all the precautions mentioned in this article to make sure you have the maximum amount of fun and minimize your worries while y'all enjoy your hot tub.


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